


Jack and Ty have been friends for a only few years, but it’s been long enough for Jack to fall head over heels. There’s a catch, though: he’s twice Ty’s age. When they finally try to make a go of it, Ty’s upbringing resurfaces with a vengeance. Despite the trials thrown at them, however, they are determined to make it work — no matter what.

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To one who waits, a moment seems a year.”

Jack crumpled the sliver of paper and tossed it onto the table. He put it out of his mind as he nibbled on the fortune cookie, not quite tasting it. Maybe it was time to head out, find his own place, maybe a small farm or ranch. Some place where he could forget haunted brown eyes, no matter the smile below them. Jack sighed and sipped his Coke, telling himself it was all a mistake. He should have never let the kid get so close. He hadn’t seen it coming, and now he was paying the price.

“More Coke, sir?”

He waved away the waitress and dug his wallet out. Jack handed her his Visa card and the check off the table, waiting until she was gone to bury his fingers in his hair and growl. He wasn’t ready to go back home and face the emptiness of the house. Mack’s place was always open, but Jack didn’t feel like being quite that social tonight. In a few days, the place would be swarming’ with the Sextons. Jack didn’t begrudge Robbie and Seth their happiness, but a part of him ached to feel the same thing. Only trouble was, the one he wanted was too young and too… Hell, too young was just the tip of the iceberg.

The waitress brought Jack’s card and the receipt back. He signed one copy and slipped the other into his wallet with his Visa card before sliding out of the booth and heading outside.

Just as Jack got into the truck and buckled up, his cell phone vibrated in his pocket. With a little squirming and cussing, he finally managed to dig the damn thing out of his jeans. He flipped it open and groaned at the display before answering.


“You stoppin’ by Wal-Mart on your way home?” Ty asked.

“I can. Why?”

“My damn brake pads are starting to grind. I’ll pay ya back.”

“Sure. It’s a ‘95, isn’t it?”

“Yep. Thanks, man. I owe ya.”

“No problem. Be home soon.”

Jack pressed ‘end’ and tipped his head back, exhaling slowly. He had to get this shit under control. Nobody’d ever twisted him up quite as bad as Ty, and the damn kid was half his age.

Additional information


Author: Mychael Black


Contemporary, LGBT, Western


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